I'm on the Sugar is evil side of the track & love my butter thickly spread!
A couple of recently aired doco's on Australian TV have most likely perpetuated the broadening to the greater general public & rise in interest. The first is "The Men Who Made us Fat" a BBC series from the UK. The second is ABC's Catalyst "Heart of the Matter Part 1 - Dietary Villains". Both visualise & reinforce the reading matter I've been gripped by for almost 2 years now & advocate avoiding sugar & seed oils in favour of saturated fat, who until now has been widely dubbed the heart attacker.
Governments worldwide & the Heart Foundation villify Saturated Fat still as they have for many years, having ignored John Yudkins Sugar warnings & taken Ancel Keys flawed Fat theory as gospel. Generations have been eating Low Fat, Omega 6 rich, fructose sweetened & highly manufactured "foods" - creating an obesity epidemic & a haven for chronic diseases to exist.
If this makes your blood curl then get on board & sign the petition from Get a Fresh Start/The Big Fat Truth :
If you simply just want to know more about this & eat healthier for life yourself then a good start is to read Sweet Poison, followed by Toxic Oil. Both layout the information for the layperson, simplifying a lot of the scientific jargon.
Big pharmaceutical companies are behind the lot. Why wouldn't they make people believe seed oils are the way to go? It isn't something we can make at home whereas we can render our own lard and whip cream from our cows to make our own butter but that's just the small money. the big money lies in their main business. Making drugs. Make the people sick and they will buy the drugs to make them well, or well enough to keep eating the foods that made them sick...