Well I have just partook in an interview with the Sydney Herald Sun, to discuss my experience with quitting sugar, thanks to an open invite yesterday by David Gillespie on his facebook page: Sweet Poison. The article is about how there are 12/15 in the current top non-fiction books list that are about healthy eating & diets at the moment - 3/15 about quitting sugar! Now thats worthy news...
So I've been sugar free for almost a year now & was told about the Sweet Poison phenomenon by a good friend. I borrowed the book, soon got hooked, bought my own copy & subsequent follow-up of his, Quit Plan. Since then I have bought the eBook: I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson, her cookbook & follow both their blogs. I have also read Big Fat Lies & now have Toxic Oil on the go. The latter two I'm struggling with because vegetable oil is intrinsic to so much of our daily staples & convenience foods... await my verdict once I've fully read TO. Though the opening sentence as to how it makes you exceedingly vulnerable to cancer, scares the pants off me enough to want to do it!
So what makes me believe these books? Initially I would say interest in healthy eating & weight loss, hence picking up the first one. Upon reading I would say the scary reality of what eating fructose & vegetable oil lead to, backed up by the scientific facts, charts & logic that Gillespie applies. Subsequently I would say the practice of quitting sugar & benefits I personally found: weight loss, increased energy, decreased nana naps, better inner health, decreased appetite, loss of sugar cravings, ability to say no to sweets, plus my childrens acceptance & understanding to healthy food choices.
I do believe in moderation & a little of what you fancy does you good, so the kids are allowed "occasional foods" such as cake for parties & the odd biscuit/chocolate for other social treat times. For myself however sweet alternatives have to be used as the sugar addiction just kicks in & when I quit again (i.e. post Easter & Xmas) that 10 day headache is just not worth it!
Fingers crossed my interview makes the cut & I can post a link here shortly.
We're ultra careful about the fats we use here too. Coconut oil is our main go to although the flavour can be a bit much at times. Otherwise we use olive oil (no go over a certain temperature but the Thermomix reaches about 110C which is under the danger threshold. When it comes to roasting spuds and the like I have 2 favourites though, duck fat and lard. Yes, both are considered "bad fats" by the modern media but they're far healthier than those nasty GMO oils that are hydrogenated to prevent their rapid rancid status. We don't eat roast veggies every other day either so I have no qualms in a nice crispy roasted spud or 5. ;) And they taste a TONNE better than canola or olive oil roasted ones too. :)