Sunday, 10 March 2013

Soda so good

Decided to treat ourselves to a Sodastream today... not for the sickly syrupy pops but just for plain old soda water... aka LEMONADE to the kids!  I took to soda water when I first began reading Sweet Poison last July, & since then the whole family loves it & we've been getting through so many bottles at 80c a pop & generating landfill waste it was about time to invest. Gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling & retro moment when I pressed the button the first time & created my bubbles. Back in the day though it would have been orange, cherry-cola, lemonade & ginger ale. I want to prevent my kids from the tooth decay & weight gain that those give though, so just plain old soda water, with maybe the odd slice of lemon in to jazz it up once in a while.  Maybe I can introduce some fructose free additions to interest them later but all the while they are happy with water & full fat milk as drinks thats fine. No.1 has tasted real lemonade on occasion, & infrequently watered down juice, but No.2 hasn't had soft drinks.
Whilst we were at the checkout No.2 was reaching across the counter to get to the pretty bunny wrappers, No.1 chirps up "No, we can't have that, its sugar, we're allowed to have chocolate next at Easter", she whined a little about wanting a frog... obviously knowing the bunnies innards would taste just like a Freddo but soon distracted & we completed our purchase. They will get some chocolate at Easter, as will I but it will be a token thing & the other Easter gifts will be toys, books or clothing. Last year before I started this crusade they only had one egg each & a couple of mini eggs for the hunt, so its not like they are used to chocolate... though I did toilet train with chocolate buttons... 1 for a wee, 2 for a poo - so that has limited amounts, that said they both started drinking lots of water I'm convinced to get more for their efforts!

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